A little introduction to Jenya:
Jenya was born and grew up in Russia. Now she lives in regional Australia with her caring husband, two adorable daughters, a happy dog, a silly goldfish, two sewing machines and an overlocker. Yes, it is safe to say that her machines are a part of the family. She would never admit it publicly, but her machines have names!
Jenya mostly sews for her girlies and a little for herself. If she doesn't get to sew for a while her eye begins to twitch. The twitch can only be cured by quality time spent with her machines. Ice cream is also considered a suitable measure, however its soothing effect wears off quickly.
Jenya started blogging three years ago and since then family trips and outings are organised around her photo shoot requirements. Blogging provided Jenya with an opportunity to meet other sewing enthusiasts and an excuse to sew even more.
If you would like to get to know Jenya better and see if she ever takes anything seriously, please visit her blog.
Jenya made matching outfits for herself and her baby girl, not that she is planning on wearing them at the same time again. Read her blog post here, it's seriously funny!