Clover - Seam Ripper - MaaiDesign
    Clover - Seam Ripper - MaaiDesign
Clover - Seam Ripper - MaaiDesign
Clover - Seam Ripper - MaaiDesign
    Clover - Seam Ripper - MaaiDesign
Clover - Seam Ripper - MaaiDesign



Clover Seam Ripper White 482/W

This unpicker cuts through seams and buttonholes with ease. 

Handle with care, the blade is very sharp. 

Made in Japan


Clover Seam Ripper White 482/W

This unpicker cuts through seams and buttonholes with ease. 

Handle with care, the blade is very sharp. 

Made in Japan


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Clover - Seam Ripper

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